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About Me
In my 22 years on this earth I have managed to accumulate a series of crazy stories and circumstances that could last more than a lifetime.  Here is a breakdown of who I am and what I am about.
I am currently in university working towards my bachelors degree in Health Studies.  Hopefully next year I will go to a masters program.
I am doing this all to eventually start a cool career to support a family which I will devote a lot of my caring to.  I care about my friends deeply and have been known to go to the ends of the earth and back for them to ensure their happiness.
I am also a pretty awesome chef and play a wackload of musical instruments.  From this it can be seen that I love music and food.  On top of this I really love TV and movies, particularly older ones that have since been forgotten by today’s youth.
Matt AKA chef matt 32
Name: Matt
Age: 22
Birthday: November 30
College: McMaster University
Major: Health Management
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Book: A Tale of Two Cities or Flowers For Algernon
Favorite Movie: Princess Bride (oh so many others)
Favorite Food: Gnocchi or Pizza
My favorite songs
  1. 1.What A Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)
  2. 2.Over The Rainbow (Israel Kam’quiole)
  3. 3.How To Save A Life (The Fray)
  4. 4.The Ballad of Penny Evans (Originally Steve Goodman, but heard from camp counsellor)
  5. 5.The General (Dispatch)
  6. 6.Fred Jones Pt.2 (Ben Folds)
  7. 7.Amie/9 Crimes (Damien Rice)
  8. 8.Hotel California (The Eagles)
  9. 9.Losing My Religion (REM)
  10. 10.Baba O’Reilley (The Who)
  11. 11.Eleanor Rigby/All You Need Is Love (The Beatles)
  12. 12.Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol)